Do our insolvency laws suit small business failures?

In shopping for a suit recently, I noticed that the Big Store displayed its suits according to brand, which apparently ...

Australian small business insolvency law – a review

Several stars aligning at the end of 2020-2021 prompt this review of where Australia is at in the area of ...

Australian personal insolvency reform for COVID-19 impacted debtors

The Australian government’s proposed retention of the restrictions of bankruptcy on COVID-19 impacted business proprietors and consumers is questionable, but ...

Australian root and branch bankruptcy reform – creditors’ rights? Elizabeth (Ist) laws? SMEs? …

While COVID-19 restrictions on creditors in bankruptcy have ended, though now with an increased $10,000 threshold, the experience should prompt ...

Australia’s proposed MSME insolvency reforms – an international perspective

Australia’s draft legislation to implement its announced MSME corporate insolvency reforms may have drawn more on international than local thinking, ...

“Shortcomings of the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (just some)”

Professor Martin Davies of Tulane Maritime Law Center recently offered a critique of the Model Law on Cross Border Insolvency ...

International cross-border insolvency – an Australian diary

Some selected diary items of interest to Australian readers, and others.    September 2018 QUT Law – Dr Paul Omar ...

One pre-packaged insolvency – coming up

An option for a quick resolution of an insolvent business is its quick pre-packaged exit, and transfer of assets to ...

What’s up, or on, in insolvency, early in 2018?

The following commentary on submissions due, events and conferences, professional standards, international and local, hearings and case law*, all in ...

50 years of UNCITRAL – and recollections from Bob Ellicott

At a lecture celebrating the 50th anniversary of UNCITRAL – the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law – a ...

Insolvency related conferences and meetings – coming up

A list of insolvency and related conferences for the rest of the year 2017, into 2018   Insolvency Conferences and ...

Safe harbour for directors of corporate groups? An UNCITRAL initiative

  UNCITRAL’s Insolvency Working Group V is meeting in Vienna next month to discuss the preparation of guidance for directors ...

MSME insolvencies – more on small business ‘exits’

My recent report explained that the insolvency of micro and small to medium enterprises (MSMEs) is to be the subject ...