Banks and banking law

The bankruptcy of Lehman Bros – a mere coincidence

Ten years ago, on 15 September 2008, Professor Rosalind Mason of QUT Brisbane and I gave a paper at the ...

Lawless, oxymoronic insolvency law – the mining regulators aren’t happy.

This comment updates our recent commentary on the complicated intersection between insolvency law and environmental regulation. There are now at ...

What’s up, or on, in insolvency, early in 2018?

The following commentary on submissions due, events and conferences, professional standards, international and local, hearings and case law*, all in ...

No, not the Royal Commission – long delayed banking reforms

Long delayed banking and financial institution reforms are being addressed in a Bill to enhance APRA’s ‘crisis management’ powers in ...

Farmers’ debts – ‘sit down at a table and work it out, and walk away, alive’

Preventing the appointment of receivers to ‘family farms’ and using farm debt mediation instead seems to be an idea that ...

The new Code of Banking Practice – what and when?

In evidence before the Senate Select Committee on Lending to Primary Production Customers on 11 August 2017, the Chief Executive of ...

ABA’s Anna Bligh and bank lending reforms

Anna Bligh, the Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers Association, has recently spoken of the “strong and mutually beneficial relationship between ...