Principles of Regulation of Insolvency Practitioners – an international standard

This comment was issued in October 2018; it is re-issued in May 2023, but not updated, for interest. The rather ...

Reprimand and more for a liquidator – that’s about as much as we know

By a media release ASIC has reported that a disciplinary committee has decided to reprimand a liquidator, Nicholas Crouch, under ...

Insolvency practitioner [over]-regulation in Australia – an update

While the UK is reviewing its insolvency practitioner (IP) co-regulation system, Australia’s direct regulation, with minimal but expansive co-regulation, might ...

Licensing of insolvency practitioners – decision making principles from New Zealand [updated post 13 June 2021]

Mr Damien Grant, the New Zealand insolvency practitioner who successfully challenged RITANZ’s decision to deny him the right to practice ...

Double suspension as a liquidator and as a trustee

An experienced Australian insolvency practitioner (IP) has had his right to practise as a liquidator suspended by a Court for ...

ARITA’s response to the Ombudsman’s small business insolvency inquiry

ARITA has offered a 60-page submission to the Ombudsman’s inquiry, which, given the quality of the inquiry, may be rather ...

A liquidator disciplinary decision – some regulatory insights

A decision of a tribunal in Australia gives some insight into the insolvency practitioner discipline processes introduced in 2017, which ...

Insolvency developments in the 2018-19 annual reports – ASIC, AFSA, AGD and ATO

Annual reports nowadays are more marketing publications as to various achievements of the relevant agencies and their compliance with statutory ...

Revised insolvency standard for practitioners. As to their professional bodies …

The Accounting Ethical and Professional Standards Board (APESB) has approved a new and revised APES 330 – Insolvency Services, the ...

Treasury Laws Amendment (Measures for a later sitting) Bill 2018: Miscellaneous amendments

The law reform process of going through a piece of legislation and picking up minor errors is useful and necessary ...

Mis’conduct proceedings based on evidence reported in the media’

ARITA advises that it can now ‘begin conduct proceedings [against its members] based on evidence reported in the media’.  Murrays ...

Insolvency remuneration – time-charging, or better?

Lawyers’ fees in class actions were the subject of a recent conference[1] paper by Sir Rupert Jackson, given in Melbourne, ...

Voluntary administrations and the benefits, or otherwise, of board turnover

Research just published[1] has looked at the relation between board turnover and the likelihood that a company that enters a ...

ASIC’s 2018 annual report – insolvency, what to expect

An interesting aspect of ASIC’s forthcoming 2018 annual report will be its review of the operation of the changes brought ...

New Zealand insolvency practitioner reforms

Submissions on proposed major changes to NZ insolvency laws through the Insolvency Practitioners Bill, presently before parliament, closed on 24 ...

What’s up, or on, in insolvency, early in 2018?

The following commentary on submissions due, events and conferences, professional standards, international and local, hearings and case law*, all in ...

Pending insolvency law and practice changes

Some of us are waiting for Santa, others are waiting on anticipated updates in insolvency law so we can send ...

Insolvency Law Reform Act – some real legislation errors

woodfer The changes effected by the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 are now law with some parts having commenced on ...

ABA’s Anna Bligh and bank lending reforms

Anna Bligh, the Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers Association, has recently spoken of the “strong and mutually beneficial relationship between ...

Whistleblowing, as a means of professional regulation?

The use of whistleblowers in the regulation of tax and corporate law, and the bases for incentivizing and protecting them, are ...

INSOL Academics 2017

The INSOL Academics Colloquium was held over the weekend of 18-19 March 2017 in Sydney. The session covered a wide ...

New insolvency laws commencing 1 March – Q&A

This series of questions and answers address many of the issues with which practitioners and lawyers will be confronted in ...

Umpteen professional bodies regulating insolvency practitioners – overkill? or a spreading of the risk?

The new regulatory regime of insolvency practitioners under the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 provides for co-regulation shared between the regulators – ...

An expansion of the Banking Code, or is a change in the law needed?

The story about the conduct of bank officers in the Sydney Insolvency News prompts my suggestion for a widening of ...