Conferences and events

New NZ Insolvency Code of Professional Conduct

RITANZ, the Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Association of New Zealand, has released its Code of Professional Conduct for its members, ...

Traill’s 17th Annual Practical Insolvency Conference – a preview

Courts and governments and industry bodies are no doubt trying to have their remaining pending decisions and announcements out in ...

Lawless, oxymoronic insolvency law – the mining regulators aren’t happy.

This comment updates our recent commentary on the complicated intersection between insolvency law and environmental regulation. There are now at ...

Restricting insolvency disclaimer rights in mining company failures?

The possibility of the West Australian government legislating to get around the insolvency disclaimer provisions of the Corporations Act was ...

Cleaning up after a failed miner – who pays: Part 2

This commentary highlights a confluence of 4 events concerning the complicated intersection between insolvency law and environmental regulation, one event ...

ASIC and one-year bankruptcy, AUSTRAC, a fees claim settled, and more …

The following further commentary on insolvency – submissions due, events and conferences and case law – may be of interest. ...

What’s up, or on, in insolvency, early in 2018?

The following commentary on submissions due, events and conferences, professional standards, international and local, hearings and case law*, all in ...

Vancouver 2018 – insolvency moots and conference – QUT and UBC

Following the success of the first Ian Fletcher International Insolvency Law Moot, held in Sydney in March 2017, the QUT ...

Professional ethics – Academy of Law Debates for 2017

A series of public debates on ethical conduct in the law, accounting and business was a significant contribution to this ...

50 years of UNCITRAL – and recollections from Bob Ellicott

At a lecture celebrating the 50th anniversary of UNCITRAL – the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law – a ...

An alternative to parliamentary debate on a one year bankruptcy

With changes in our bankruptcy laws being delayed in parliament by more important debates on our marriage laws, an alternative ...

Insolvency related conferences and meetings – coming up

A list of insolvency and related conferences for the rest of the year 2017, into 2018   Insolvency Conferences and ...

QUT Law Review – a special issue on personal insolvency

Australia’s current major bankruptcy law reforms are necessarily informed by a range of academic and professional input, from here and ...

‘The International Court of Justice as a Working Court’ – Judge James Crawford

On 25 September 2017, the annual “Patron’s Address” of the Australian Academy of Law is being given by his Excellency ...

The IBA Annual Conference Sydney, 8–13 October 2017

Among many sessions across a wide range of legal disciplines, the IBA conference has this series of insolvency sessions. Avoiding ...

What’s on …. insolvency and related conference and seminars 2017 into 2018

A list of conferences for the rest of the year, into 2018 in some of which one or other of ...

ABA’s Anna Bligh and bank lending reforms

Anna Bligh, the Chief Executive of the Australian Bankers Association, has recently spoken of the “strong and mutually beneficial relationship between ...

External dispute resolution and the Ombudsman

Ms Kate Carnell, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, is reported to have called “on the insolvency sector ...

Speech by Justice Black on Insolvency Law

In a speech given to ARITA’s conference on 9 August 2017, Justice Ashley Black of the NSW Supreme Court has ...

Banking & Financial Services Law Association Conference – 31 August-2 September

The Banking and Financial Services Law Association is holding its annual conference in Brisbane on 31 August-1 September 2017, in ...

Banks in [financial] crisis; dispute resolution; farm debt mediation, and more

My preparation for a major banking and financial services conference[1] has prompted this quick review of where Australia is at ...

International insolvency regulation – London 2017

The annual meeting of the International Association of Insolvency Regulators, IAIR, is being held in London, from 4 to 7 ...

Melbourne Insolvency Forum Conference – Tokyo, Japan – 23-27 August 2017

An insolvency conference, said to be a Taste of Japan. There is a very good article in the International Insolvency ...

Advanced Business Law Conference – the major insolvency reforms: 3 October 2017

I am presenting at the Advanced Business Law Conference at the College of Law in Sydney on Tuesday 3 October 2017. ...