one year bankruptcy

Try to resolve unpaid debt early, and leave insolvency as a “last resort”

Each of AFSA, ARITA and Financial Counselling Australia has issued a statement calling for better processes for resolution of claims ...

Why has the Australian government not yet decided on any further insolvency law changes for small business?

Australia MSE insolvency reform process seems to have halted, perhaps because of a poor reception to its January 2021 small ...

Neither a borrower nor a lender be – at least to a friend or a relative …

A guarantee given by a mother to a friend of her son for the son’s business debts ended up in ...

Australian root and branch bankruptcy reform – creditors’ rights? Elizabeth (Ist) laws? SMEs? …

While COVID-19 restrictions on creditors in bankruptcy have ended, though now with an increased $10,000 threshold, the experience should prompt ...

Insolvency and debtor in possession – hospital or home care?

If Joe thought he might have a serious medical condition, but did not want to go to hospital for a ...

Three year ‘imprisonment’ for bankruptcy debt

Australia has historically been seen as severe in its approach to unpaid debt and opposition to changing the 3 year ...

UK’s “small proportion of bankruptcies where there has been misconduct leading up to the individual’s insolvency”

With the Australian parliament about to decide on the reduction of the period of bankruptcy from three years to one, ...

Bankruptcy Bills to become Law?

The draft legislation program for the Senate for next week commencing Monday 20 August 2018 lists, among other Bills, the ...

One year bankruptcy and other changes – updated and corrected

[commentary of 10 August 2018 corrected and updated as at 14 August 2018]. With parliament having resumed on Monday 13 ...

A one year bankruptcy or a 5 year debt agreement – Senate recommendations

The reports of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on the one-year bankruptcy (BAEI Bill) and the debt agreement ...

Restrictions on failed entrepreneurs – 3 years, one, or none?

The current inquiries and debates about whether we should reduce our period of bankruptcy in Australia from three years to ...

The wider context of the proposed one-year period of bankruptcy

Many less than 1% of bankrupts warrant an objection to discharge from their bankruptcy, trustees leave it til the last ...

Debt agreement reform remains under parliamentary wraps

Although listed for tabling in parliament this year, the Bankruptcy Amendment (Debt Agreement Reform) Bill 2017 did not quite make ...

Bankruptcy – for a whole year?!

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”[1] I would not go so far as to say that ...