debt agreements

Penalties imposed on debt agreement administrator for false and misleading, threatening and coercive conduct against debtors

ASIC has succeeded in obtaining penalties against A & M group for false and misleading threatening and coercive conduct against ...

Senate inquiry into unlicensed debt managers, credit repairers and payday lenders

The Senate Committee inquiry into debt management firms comes at an odd time, given pending regulation of such services by ...

Bankruptcy Bills to become Law?

The draft legislation program for the Senate for next week commencing Monday 20 August 2018 lists, among other Bills, the ...

One year bankruptcy and other changes – updated and corrected

[commentary of 10 August 2018 corrected and updated as at 14 August 2018]. With parliament having resumed on Monday 13 ...

A one year bankruptcy or a 5 year debt agreement – Senate recommendations

The reports of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on the one-year bankruptcy (BAEI Bill) and the debt agreement ...

Some casual Friday comments on recent insolvency developments

This is a quick review of some on-going current issues in insolvency and related. Pending decisions The Commonwealth v Byrnes ...

Release of draft Bankruptcy Amendment (Debt Agreement Reform) Bill 2018

The debt agreements regime under the Bankruptcy Act would be substantially changed in order to give greater confidence in a ...

Debt agreement reform remains under parliamentary wraps

Although listed for tabling in parliament this year, the Bankruptcy Amendment (Debt Agreement Reform) Bill 2017 did not quite make ...

Part IX debt agreement reforms also off to a Senate Committee

In ‘A one year bankruptcy or a 3 year debt agreement … what’s the catch?’ I foreshadowed reforms to Part ...

‘A one year bankruptcy or a 3 year debt agreement … what’s the catch?’

With Australia on the verge of introducing a one year period of bankruptcy, it is odd that no comparable reforms ...