Do our insolvency laws suit small business failures?

In shopping for a suit recently, I noticed that the Big Store displayed its suits according to brand, which apparently ...

Dealing with MSE insolvency – UNCCA Australia

Earlier in December 2019, LLM candidate and graduate lawyer Samantha Pacchiarotta and final year law student Cassandra Heaslip attended Insolvency ...

International insolvency law and Australia’s UNCCA

A newly qualified Australian lawyer who was sponsored through UNCCA and LAWASIA to attend Insolvency Working Group V in Vienna ...

International cross-border insolvency – an Australian diary

Some selected diary items of interest to Australian readers, and others.    September 2018 QUT Law – Dr Paul Omar ...

The Internationalisation of Directors’ Duties – Melbourne seminar – 30 July 2018

Directors of companies that trade overseas, and directors of subsidiaries of overseas companies, may have duties imposed upon them by ...

What’s up, or on, in insolvency, early in 2018?

The following commentary on submissions due, events and conferences, professional standards, international and local, hearings and case law*, all in ...

50 years of UNCITRAL – and recollections from Bob Ellicott

At a lecture celebrating the 50th anniversary of UNCITRAL – the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law – a ...

Safe harbour for directors of corporate groups? An UNCITRAL initiative

  UNCITRAL’s Insolvency Working Group V is meeting in Vienna next month to discuss the preparation of guidance for directors ...

Micro and small to medium enterprises – what to do about their insolvency

With latest ABS data showing that Australia is primarily a nation of small business operators, largely successful, it is perhaps to ...

UNCITRAL’s 50 Years – Cross-border insolvency of corporate groups; recognition of insolvency judgments – UNCCA

A conference in celebration of the 50th anniversary of UNCITRAL was held in Brisbane on 2 December 2016. Among other ...