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Japanese restaurant’s accountant liable for fair work breaches

The recent court finding that an accountancy firm was liable for contraventions of the Fair Work Act by its client, ...

Appointing and Remunerating Insolvency Practitioners in Japan: The Roles of Japanese Courts

This excellent review of insolvency practice in Japan provides an instructive perspective for those of us from Western legal traditions, ...

INSOL International – Special Report on Insolvency Practitioners’ Remuneration

INSOL International has just published a global review of how insolvency practitioners’ fees are assessed and approved across a range of jurisdictions, ...

Insolvency disclaimer of orphan wells – Linc Energy compared

While Australia is pondering the quirk in its Constitutional referral of powers arrangements which has resulted in Queensland’s environmental protection law ...

Linc Energy – how not to regulate and enforce environmental laws

Last Week’s Linc Energy decision out of Queensland – Linc Energy Ltd (in Liq) [2017] QSC 053 – could be ...

Australian safe harbour and ipso facto reforms

Obviously prompted by my reporting of significant restructuring reforms in the EU, and my query as to the long delayed ...

Lifting the fear and suppressing the greed – a Senate committee report on penalties for white collar crime

A long awaited Senate committee report on penalties for white collar crime was issued on 23 March 2017 under the ...

Senator John Williams – a driving force behind our insolvency reforms

Senator John Williams is familiar to us in the insolvency profession as the one politician who has had a particular ...

INSOL Academics 2017

The INSOL Academics Colloquium was held over the weekend of 18-19 March 2017 in Sydney. The session covered a wide ...

Unpaid super, again; single touch payroll; penalties, and more

The Senate Economics References Committee is conducting another inquiry into the problem of the non-payment of superannuation by employers of ...

Australia’s first/worst insolvency reforms in many years – but she’ll be right….

Australia has implemented its first major insolvency reforms in many years but rather than being seen as an achievement they are ...

Liquidators working overseas – how are they regulated? INSOL Academics 18-19 March 2017

I am pleased to be presenting at the INSOL Academics’ Group Colloquium in Sydney, being held on 18 and 19 ...

QUT Law – Current Issues in Insolvency Law: Global Perspectives – 24 March

The QUT Commercial and Property Law Research Centre is hosting international speakers and QUT academics at this session on Friday 24 March ...

New insolvency laws now, with practitioners invited to implement some of the further new law before September

The first tranche of the changes effected by the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 commenced on 1 March 2017.  The ...

UK insolvency practitioners can F…. their Forms

While insolvency practitioners in Australia are anxiously waiting to find out what new forms they must fill in and tick ...

The most useful and well researched and argued law reform report for many years – Phoenix Activity: Regulating Fraudulent Use of the Corporate Form

The most useful and well researched and argued law reform report for many years has been issued on what to ...

ASIC’s industry funding model – draft laws

Drafts of ASIC’s Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Bill 2017 and related Bills have been released for comment, by 10 March ...

The Law in the Insolvency “Law” Reform Act 2016

The law has not been given much attention in the recent CLE and professional offerings on the new insolvency laws, with their ...

Insolvency reforms – what to expect in the first few weeks

This explains what insolvency practitioners, and lawyers, may immediately confront in the first weeks or so of the new law, ...

The new insolvency laws – what to expect in the first weeks

What will liquidators, trustees and lawyers, and the courts, immediately confront in the first weeks or so of the new law, ...

Assessing the insolvency regulators’ self-assessments – from tea and biscuits to zero tolerance

ASIC has released a report self-assessing itself, according to requirements of the Commonwealth Regulator Performance Framework: Report 511 ASIC self-assessment ...

Chains of responsibility – Queensland’s environmental protection law – part 2

The Queensland government has on 27 January 2017 issued a guideline under its new ‘chain of responsibility’ environmental protection legislation whereby ...

About Us

This is a free access website containing various on-going commentary about a range of issues in law, legal policy and ...

Applying to become a trustee in bankruptcy – some guidance from the case law

New rules on the application process to become a trustee in bankruptcy have applied from 1 March 2017. Briefly, they ...