single touch payroll

Australia has some of the longest lag times between employees being paid and taxes being remitted

This is a short historical background to the increasing non- or late payment of tax mainly by small businesses – ...

Sunlight on pre-insolvency advisers

Updated 14.8.23: While pondering the 2023 Parliamentary Joint Committee’s recommendations about pre-insolvency advisers, I am reminded to go back to ...

Australian SME insolvencies – the ATO as the solution?

While the government is no doubt considering a range of options to allow the insolvency system to cope with what ...

The elephant in the room of SMEs

It now seems that an old elephant in the room – about the misconduct of banks and financial institutions – ...

Ensuring employees’ super gets paid

The term ‘pussyfooting’ comes to mind when looking at the government’s proposed new ‘tough’ approach to employees’ unpaid super contributions ...

Black Economy Taskforce: Consultation Paper

The Black Economy Taskforce has released a discussion paper outlining a number of additional policy ideas which draw on its ...

Unpaid super – just rounding up the usual suspects

A Senate Committee has produced yet another typical report that goes round in the usual circles of recommending the implementation of previous ...

Unpaid super, again; single touch payroll; penalties, and more

The Senate Economics References Committee is conducting another inquiry into the problem of the non-payment of superannuation by employers of ...

Credit reporting of tax debts – one measure among many

From 1 July 2017, the Government has announced that it will allow the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to disclose to ...

Late payers – what to do? and the ATO wants to know as well

An inquiry into late payments to creditors has been commenced by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman. A ...

Single touch payroll – on its way into law

The Senate Standing Committee on Economics has given a report on the Budget Savings (Omnibus) Bill 2016 and has endorsed the Bill’s ...

Single touch payroll – disrupting the way things have been done

Single-touch payroll (STP) legislation was introduced into federal parliament on 31 August 2016 through the government’s Budget Savings (Omnibus) Bill ...