beneficial ownership

Sunlight on pre-insolvency advisers

Updated 14.8.23: While pondering the 2023 Parliamentary Joint Committee’s recommendations about pre-insolvency advisers, I am reminded to go back to ...

The UK new international economic crime laws – and Australia compared

The UK government has just enacted the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 which requires overseas entities holding UK ...

UK’s plan to give great access to corporate data, beneficial ownership etc

In What has happened to the proposed beneficial ownership of shares register? in February 2020, I asked what has happened ...

What has happened to the proposed beneficial ownership of shares register?

A review of the ASIC Annual Report 2018 by a parliamentary committee was tabled only in February 2020. The report ...

ASIC and the PJC – hellholes, law enforcement, identity, funding, and more

Here are some selected snippets from the transcript of the PJC hearing oversighting ASIC, of 27 October 2017, the last ...

Director charades continued

After giving directors the benefit of protection from liability for insolvent trading, through the ‘safe harbour reforms’, the government has ...

Beneficial ownership of companies – consultation

The government has released a consultation paper on improving the transparency of information on the beneficial ownership and control of ...

Beneficial ownership of companies, and access to ASIC data

The government has invited us to “have our say” on what it says is “Australia’s first Open Government National Action ...