director identity number

Sunlight on pre-insolvency advisers

Updated 14.8.23: While pondering the 2023 Parliamentary Joint Committee’s recommendations about pre-insolvency advisers, I am reminded to go back to ...

Australia’s response to money laundering and terrorist financing – a Bill for a Bill

The Australian parliament’s response to a 2016 recommendation to introduce law to counter money laundering and terrorist financing – by ...

Gold company director cards?

Directors of companies will finally have an easy way of keeping their company details up to date when the director ...

MYEFO 2019-20 – ASIC, phoenixing and ‘journalists’

The government’s mid-year economic and fiscal outlook 2019-20 has these interesting items about access to ASIC’s registers, unlawful phoenixing and ...

Directors’ identities, their home addresses, and more

With Australia having just closed its consultation on allowing company directors to have a director identity number (DIN), it is ...

Consultation on director identity numbers – responses by 17 August 2018

In the 2018-19 Budget, the Australian government announced that it would modernise the Australian Business Register (ABR) and the ASIC ...

ASIC’s fees – how high and counter-productive

The article in the Australian newspaper of 2 July 2018, although typically low-brow in its heading – how ASIC gouges ...

ASIC and the PJC – hellholes, law enforcement, identity, funding, and more

Here are some selected snippets from the transcript of the PJC hearing oversighting ASIC, of 27 October 2017, the last ...

Black Economy Taskforce: Consultation Paper

The Black Economy Taskforce has released a discussion paper outlining a number of additional policy ideas which draw on its ...

Director charades continued

After giving directors the benefit of protection from liability for insolvent trading, through the ‘safe harbour reforms’, the government has ...

“Straw directors”? no kidding!

The federal government is putting through laws that would give directors of companies greater latitude to incur debts that cannot ...

NZ insolvency reform – gift cards, director identity numbers, voidable transactions, Ponzi schemes, and more

New Zealand does well in its insolvency law reform, partly assisted by not being a federation (no Linc Energy surprises), ...

Director identity numbers, and their frequent flyer equivalents

Among all the numerous recommendations the government has received about corporate insolvency reform, one has now been made three times ...