
Rights to appeal – some limits?

In dealing with an unmeritorious bankruptcy law appeal, a Federal Court Judge has made a suggestion to limit appeal rights ...

Some thinking about insolvency pre-packs, panels and more

In a newspaper article of 20 April 2020* promoting a new ‘restructuring business’, some ‘new thinking’ is offered on changes ...

Modern justice – exploring beyond the edge of the known legal world

A recent article by Mr Ken Hayne has offered a strong critique of many aspects of the justice system in ...

Does Political Criticism of Judges Damage Judicial Independence?* a paper by Dyson Heydon

This is the title of a recent article written by Dyson Heydon AC QC on contempt of court, with a ...

The Federal Court and the Constitution – public lecture, 15 March, Canberra

A free public lecture on the Federal Court and the Constitution is being given at the ANU on this Thursday ...

Avoid misleading cases – cite the latest court decisions

With all the numerous decisions being delivered by the higher courts, some attention is needed to ensure the latest case ...

The Courts’ Insolvency Rules – their harmonisation and modernisation

The Courts could usefully conduct a review of their corporate and personal insolvency rules, both to address the recent ‘harmonising’ ...

“in a daily newspaper circulating generally”

Our ’21st century’ corporate insolvency courts have reintroduced a 19th century rule requiring liquidators and others to place notices in ...

A less than “radical change” to Australia’s court structure

Given the Attorney-General’s openness to “radical change” in the structure of Australian courts, one small but significant reform would be ...

Why does the Federal Circuit Court not have corporate insolvency jurisdiction?

This is not a plug for the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, which sits below the Federal Court, but it ...