
Insolvent assetless MSMEs – all but forgotten?

My commentary of October 2020 is re-issued, for readers’ interest.  Does it matter that a company is insolvent such that ...

TIP – The Insolvency Portal

My 2022 versions of the Bankruptcy Act and the Corporations Act retain much of the process and procedure found in ...

A health check of the Australian corporate insolvency system – updated

Commentary following issued in April 2020 is reissued in September 2020 in light of the reports that a significant proportion ...

Surveys of Australian insolvency and turnaround professionals

An early survey of insolvency professionals in Australia in relation to the impact of COVID-19 reveals an apparent contradiction, that ...

Academy of Law – access to justice, free speech on campus, science v law

The second public debate held by the Australian Academy of Law in its series on Access to Justice was held ...

“in a daily newspaper circulating generally”

Our ’21st century’ corporate insolvency courts have reintroduced a 19th century rule requiring liquidators and others to place notices in ...

ASIC and the PJC – hellholes, law enforcement, identity, funding, and more

Here are some selected snippets from the transcript of the PJC hearing oversighting ASIC, of 27 October 2017, the last ...

Guerilla tactics needed against phoenix misconduct

While the government is considering the various submissions on phoenix reforms, these quick thoughts came to mind, involving both government ...

What work was involved in this liquidation and why did it take the time and resources claimed?

A liquidator’s remuneration claim of over $350,000 for conducting the winding up a country dental practice involving 24 of his staff ...

Senator Williams and the Finnish model of insolvency

A group of small insolvency practitioners has had raised in parliament its project aiming at a universal and consistent approach to ...

Insolvency practitioners’ offence reporting

Although the government is trying to distance any connection between wrongdoing and a company going into liquidation or a person ...

Single touch payroll – on its way into law

The Senate Standing Committee on Economics has given a report on the Budget Savings (Omnibus) Bill 2016 and has endorsed the Bill’s ...

A silver lining in the insolvency law reform delay

The unfortunate delay in the commencement of the substance of the insolvency law reforms for one year, to 1 September ...