
Bad timing? or will Euclid save the day?

Calculation of time limits in law should be straightforward but judges have taken us to the mathematics of Euclid and ...

“in a daily newspaper circulating generally”

Our ’21st century’ corporate insolvency courts have reintroduced a 19th century rule requiring liquidators and others to place notices in ...

Bankruptcy – for a whole year?!

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”[1] I would not go so far as to say that ...

Bankruptcy and mental incapacity

A son was obliged to ‘forum shop’ in order to assist his debt-laden father go into voluntary bankruptcy.  The father had suffered ...

Penalising insolvent companies – a King Charles I comparison

Regulators seeking penalties against companies in liquidation often reveal, as I have recently commented,[1] some serious signs of frustration that ...

Egon Kisch and Albert Piddington

The name Egon Kisch may not be familiar to many but a recent talk given at an event held by ...

Are accountants, and lawyers, prepared for NOCLAR?

The APESB has released a draft of new section 225 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, APES 110, ...