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What to do about problem debt advisers?

A late submission received by the Senate Economics Committee inquiry into credit and financial services aimed at those at risk ...

One pre-packaged insolvency – coming up

An option for a quick resolution of an insolvent business is its quick pre-packaged exit, and transfer of assets to ...

Insolvency law update – May 2018

This is one of my regular updates on where things are at in the insolvency law and practice world in ...

What’s up, or on, in insolvency, early in 2018?

The following commentary on submissions due, events and conferences, professional standards, international and local, hearings and case law*, all in ...

Pending insolvency law and practice changes

Some of us are waiting for Santa, others are waiting on anticipated updates in insolvency law so we can send ...

The end of safe harbour?

Is there a possibility that the new ‘safe harbour’ regime for directors might be removed? It depends.   While the ...

An economic perspective on trends in start-ups, and -downs

The federal government’s Innovation Statement of 2015 contained some simplistic aims for the promotion of entrepreneurial activity from proposed changes ...

Are accountants professionally restricted in advising directors on safe harbour?

A pending new publication on corporate restructuring contains these comments about Code obligations of insolvency accountants advising financially distressed and ...

Safe harbour for directors of corporate groups? An UNCITRAL initiative

  UNCITRAL’s Insolvency Working Group V is meeting in Vienna next month to discuss the preparation of guidance for directors ...

Safe harbour – some inherent behavioural issues to overcome

While the new safe harbour law[1] is the end result of some years of torturous debate, still on-going, it is ...

A safe harbour from our harsh insolvency laws?!

The “safe harbour” reform bill has been introduced into federal parliament to address directors’ “medium risk” of liability for insolvent trading.  ...

Directors and their safe harbour – how to get them to behave

An aim of the latest “safe harbour” insolvency reforms is to “drive cultural change” in company directors by encouraging them ...

Law reform – a carve-out from directors’ insolvent trading liability, with a change in their culture in return

The draft ‘safe harbour’ provisions proposed by the government offer directors two advantages in what must be their genuine attempts ...

Australian safe harbour and ipso facto reforms

Obviously prompted by my reporting of significant restructuring reforms in the EU, and my query as to the long delayed ...