Courts professions and regulation

A review of Australia’s insolvency practitioner regulation system

Given a choice between a good insolvency law and poor practitioners, and good practitioners and a poor insolvency law, the ...

The new law’s limitations in controlling phoenix misconduct

The new anti-phoenix laws, so welcomed in certain quarters, will come up against some business and personal behaviours that are ...

Independence of debtors’ chosen liquidators

If directors apply to the court have their company wound up in insolvency, or in fact support an application for ...

Don’t be too harsh on non-compliant directors of failed companies?

The laws regulating the conduct of directors of companies in liquidation and laws regulating persons who go bankrupt exist in ...

Million pound fines for breach of insolvency standards

The million pound fining of an insolvency firm and its administrators by the English accounting body ICAEW illustrates the differences ...

A pointless distinction in corporate insolvency

In the 19th century, where much corporate insolvency law thinking still remains, a distinction was made between court ordered liquidations ...

Dangers in liquidators running a ‘skinny case’

” … it might not be seen to be unreasonable [for insolvency practitioners] to avoid expending funds producing affidavits in ...

ARITA’s response to the Ombudsman’s small business insolvency inquiry

ARITA has offered a 60-page submission to the Ombudsman’s inquiry, which, given the quality of the inquiry, may be rather ...

A liquidator disciplinary decision – some regulatory insights

A decision of a tribunal in Australia gives some insight into the insolvency practitioner discipline processes introduced in 2017, which ...

Selfies of Australian insolvency practitioners – not looking good …?

A recent Australian academic thesis reveals an insolvency industry comprising practitioners with low self-identity, lacking in self-confidence and with a ...

The 2020 insolvency practitioner codes

New insolvency practitioner codes have issued in Australia, with the UK and NZ perhaps not far behind. It remains to ...

Bankrupt’s continued liability for costs

A court has refused parties’ request to retrospectively make an order for costs to avoid the consequences of a time ...

Insolvency R&B law reform ideas

While the ASBFE Ombudsman, ARITA and others are looking at insolvency law reform, including for SMEs, they will no doubt ...

Insolvency data sharing and access?

A number of academics, including myself, made a submission to the Data Commissioner’s Data Sharing and Release Legislative Reforms Discussion ...

An insolvency safe harbour in New Zealand?

As Australia is about the review the first two years of operation of its 2017 safe harbour reforms,[1] New Zealand ...

Why didn’t someone do something? the obligation to whistleblow

There is a current focus on whistleblowing as being one means whereby unlawfulness can be controlled. But what can be ...

Dealing with MSE insolvency – UNCCA Australia

Earlier in December 2019, LLM candidate and graduate lawyer Samantha Pacchiarotta and final year law student Cassandra Heaslip attended Insolvency ...

New Zealand insolvency – accrediting the professional bodies

Public consultation in New Zealand is now open on a discussion paper on the minimum standards and standard conditions for ...

Small businesses and their financial difficulties – the Ombudsman’s inquiry

A discussion paper[1] issued on 20 December from the Insolvency Practices Inquiry of the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise ...

Halifax – no reason why the NZ High Court should not physically sit in Australia …

The on-going matter of the Halifax liquidation came before Justice Jacqueline Gleeson in the Federal Court of Australia (FCA) on ...

MYEFO 2019-20 – ASIC, phoenixing and ‘journalists’

The government’s mid-year economic and fiscal outlook 2019-20 has these interesting items about access to ASIC’s registers, unlawful phoenixing and ...

Insolvency – some root and branch ideas

Does the government shirk its responsibilities in ensuring the proper operation of our insolvency regime by unloading the costs of ...

Anti-competitive conduct in the insolvency industry?

A new code of conduct for insolvency practitioners in Australia now proscribes illegal anti-competitive conduct, unusual for an industry code ...

Liquidator’s fees were too low

Adverse findings have been made against a liquidator by a disciplinary committee, one being that he accepted fees that were ...