
Pending insolvency law and practice changes

Some of us are waiting for Santa, others are waiting on anticipated updates in insolvency law so we can send ...

Professional ethics – Academy of Law Debates for 2017

A series of public debates on ethical conduct in the law, accounting and business was a significant contribution to this ...

Are accountants professionally restricted in advising directors on safe harbour?

A pending new publication on corporate restructuring contains these comments about Code obligations of insolvency accountants advising financially distressed and ...

ASIC and the PJC – hellholes, law enforcement, identity, funding, and more

Here are some selected snippets from the transcript of the PJC hearing oversighting ASIC, of 27 October 2017, the last ...

Australian Academy of Law

I am honoured to have been elected a director of the Australian Academy of Law at its AGM on 25 ...

How to be ethical in the practice of the law: can it be taught?

This open debate, organised by the Australian Academy of Law, is the final in a series of three ethics-themed debates ...

Ethics in the practice of law: a profession, a business or both?

The Australian Academy of Law is holding its second ethics themed Sydney event on Tuesday 20 June 2017, on the question ...

Australian Academy of Law – legal education conference; legal ethics; essay prize; and more

The latest news from the Australian Academy of Law includes: The National Conference on Legal Education, on 11-13 August 2017, ...

The law and lawyers: their limits – an Academy of Law Ethics Hypothetical

The Australian Academy of Law held the first of its three Sydney conferences for the year on 4 April 2017 ...

Academy of Law Newsletter 3.17 – ethics hypothetical, legal education conference, essay prize, rare books …

The latest newsletter of the Australian Academy of Law lists a wide range of events and news indicating the work ...

Senate inquiry

On 29 November 2016, the Senate referred the following matters to the Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by ...

Insolvency practitioners’ offence reporting

Although the government is trying to distance any connection between wrongdoing and a company going into liquidation or a person ...

Misprision revived – accountants’ new legal obligations – APESB

Accountants are taking on an obligation to refer breaches of the law to the authorities, under changes to their international code ...