Cross-border and international

The evolution of bankruptcy and insolvency laws and the case of the deed of company arrangement

This is a thoughtful and instructive article on the process of the historical development of the bankruptcy and insolvency laws ...

NZ insolvency practitioner costs recovery fees

The New Zealand government has released a discussion paper on proposed regulations concerning fees and other arrangements in preparation for ...

‘A good idea’ – assignment of a liquidator’s recovery rights

A liquidator has transferred, with court approval, potential recovery claims to the ATO, as the major and only creditor in ...

Regulation of Australian insolvency practitioners – UK and NZ compared

I am pleased to be soon presenting to various groups on the regulation of Australian insolvency practitioners, with some comparisons ...

International Association of Insolvency Regulators’ Conference – 2019

Australia is attending and presenting at the annual insolvency regulators’ conference, along with regulators from the UK, the US, New ...

A liquidator found liable for breach of confidence and invasion of privacy

“To say there is bad blood between David Henderson and Robert Walker is an understatement. From the time Robert Walker ...

Flying low – an airline’s ‘extraordinary’ response to a $19m penalty

A major international airline turned up to court to seek a stay of a A$19m penalty with evidence so inadequate ...

International insolvency law and Australia’s UNCCA

A newly qualified Australian lawyer who was sponsored through UNCCA and LAWASIA to attend Insolvency Working Group V in Vienna ...

“Shortcomings of the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (just some)”

Professor Martin Davies of Tulane Maritime Law Center recently offered a critique of the Model Law on Cross Border Insolvency ...

NZ’s 2019 Insolvency Practitioners Regulation Act and its cross-Tasman impact

NZ’s Insolvency Practitioners Regulation Act is due to commence over the next year introducing a licensing and regulatory regime for ...

‘Your place or mine, and for how long?’ – a lack of judicial independence

We might have noticed that courts in Australia and indeed in most comparable countries are usually housed in their own ...

The future of the insolvency ‘profession’

I was pleased to have given a presentation on the future of the insolvency profession, at Griffith University’s excellent Professional ...

Insolvency administrator’s lack of attention to the sale of complex assets

A UK insolvency administrator has been found to have acted in breach of his duties to a broadcasting company, some ...

Environmental regulator prevails over liquidators’ right of disclaimer – decision of the Supreme Court of Canada

The rights of an environmental regulator against an insolvent company prevail over the right of the company’s liquidator to disclaim ...

‘The defaulter’s paradise is lost’ – an unsuccessful challenge to India’s new Bankruptcy Code

India’s new Bankruptcy Code has survived an initial challenge to its constitutional validity, with the Supreme Court of India waxing ...

Liquidator’s right to disclaim contaminated land – important decision pending

Murrays Legal has reported for some time on the progress of an important issue of legal conflict before the Supreme ...

The costs of lawyer litigants – ‘Chorley’ off to the High Court

Some important cases in legal history have involved small amounts of money, in particular where the matter is pursued as ...

Opportunistic and manipulative insolvency practitioners?

Insolvency practitioners’ (IP) remuneration for the work performed in administering an insolvent estate attracts public attention, much of which is ...

Professional body regulation of Australian insolvency practitioners

Having reviewed the current regulation of insolvency practitioners (IPs) by both ASIC and AFSA, ARITA is now examined, and to ...

Insolvency Practitioners Regulation Act (NZ) 2019?

A New Zealand government committee has recommended the passage of the long awaited Insolvency Practitioners Bill with some few amendments, ...

Revised draft of Australia’s 2014 insolvency code of practice

ARITA has released a consultation draft of its Code of Professional Practice for Insolvency Practitioners. This will be the 4th ...

UNCITRAL – insolvency working group Vienna – 10-14 December 2018

A small group from Australia is in Vienna this week to attend the regular meeting of UNCITRAL Working Group V ...

Liquidators: “… no obligation to conduct any investigations beyond the bare minimum …”

It has been said of liquidators that in no other profession is a highly qualified professional expected to work for ...

Judicial responsibility for a company’s collapse, and other ‘guns to the head’.

Judges make important decisions about the legal rights of parties in dispute.  If the private parties agree, orders by consent ...