
A health check of the Australian corporate insolvency system – updated

Commentary following issued in April 2020 is reissued in September 2020 in light of the reports that a significant proportion ...

INSOL’s report on practitioner remuneration – another perspective

There is more to insolvency practitioners’ (IP) remuneration than is usually presented, and this commentary explains relevant issues not generally ...

Corporate Criminal Responsibility – final ALRC report

The Australian Law Reform Commission report, Corporate Criminal Responsibility (ALRC 136), was tabled in Parliament on 31 August 2020. The ...

New Zealand’s bankruptcy monopoly – an MP’s parting comments

The New Zealand Official Assignee administers all personal insolvencies; it shares the administration of corporate insolvencies with the private sector. ...

Further Covid-19 Restructuring Survey Results – Australia

In my post of 3 May 2020, I reported on various surveys both during the COVID-19 crisis, and before. One ...

Impact of the Jackson reforms on insolvency litigation in the UK

An April 2020 report in the UK by Professor Peter Walton on the impact of the ‘Jackson’ legal costs reforms ...

Australia’s inconsistent tax and insolvency laws

Recent research has revealed that although the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) lost its priority in insolvencies in 1993, and was ...

New UK Insolvency Code of Ethics

A new version of the Insolvency Code of Ethics will apply from 1 May 2020 to all insolvency practitioners in ...

Dealing with MSE insolvency – UNCCA Australia

Earlier in December 2019, LLM candidate and graduate lawyer Samantha Pacchiarotta and final year law student Cassandra Heaslip attended Insolvency ...

The Future of Australian Law Reform – the five top priorites?

The Australian Law Reform Commission released its report The Future of Law Reform: A Suggested Program of Work 2020-25 on ...