PJC Insolvency Inquiry 2022

ASIC beleaguered – updated

Updated 29 July 2023. Given the number of current and on-going inquiries into ASIC, it is as if the regulator ...

Thoughts on the PJC’s Corporate Insolvency Report

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (‘PJC’) handed down its Report into Corporate Insolvency in Australia on ...

Offence reporting by insolvency practitioners

What is said to be the limited response by ASIC to corporate misconduct reports by liquidators is the subject of ...

UK insolvency practitioners to come under direct government regulation

At the same time that the chair of the Australian PJC inquiry into corporate insolvency, Senator Deborah O’Neill, said that ...

Increase in Australian insolvency numbers

Personal insolvency numbers show a continued increase in numbers but still well below past figures; on the other hand, corporate ...

Should the firms of insolvency practitioners be regulated, along with the practitioner?

While Australia is currently focusing on the standards of conduct of accounting firms, and their partners – see Ethics and ...

The respective complexities of corporate and personal insolvency

A question on notice of 1 March 2023 was asked by the chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporate ...

Anti-money laundering laws to be improved, including registers of beneficial owners

The 2023 budget has allocated funds for action on Anti‐Money Laundering and Counter‐Terrorism Financing (AML) laws, including a beneficial ownership ...

Insolvency law reform in Australia – three underlying concerns

With over 70 submissions from a wide variety of stakeholders and numerous answers to questions on notice, the parliamentary joint ...

Personal insolvency numbers – an increase or a decrease?

While AFSA reports that personal insolvencies increased in number in February 2023, to 796, from 772 in January, this was ...

ASIC’s insolvency law enforcement role

The Senate Economics References Committee is loading up submissions received on its reference into ASIC’s capacity and capability to “undertake ...

Business bankruptcies – 6,000 to 9,000 each year

Given that ‘small business’ itself is defined in various ways, none of which is based on the legal structure of ...

Parliamentary insolvency inquiry – the business model of insolvency firms

Some fundamental issues about the operation of insolvency law and practice are being raised in the joint parliamentary committee inquiry ...

PJC insolvency inquiry – deregistered companies submission

An early submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee inquiry into corporate insolvency from Mr Russell Morgan, liquidator, of 15 November ...

The Parliamentary Joint Committee and “small business insolvency”

The terms of reference of the current PJC inquiry into corporate insolvency refer at times to small business but given ...

The several inquiries into ASIC

There are now several government inquiries into ASIC, directly or indirectly, perhaps indicating either the breadth of ASIC’s remit, or ...

Australia’s review of its corporate insolvency laws – updated

The hearing in relation to the law of set-off and insolvency in Metal Manufacturers Pty Limited Gavin Morton as liquidator ...

Initial industry views on the parliamentary joint committee on corporate insolvency

While submissions to the parliamentary joint committee on corporate insolvency are not due until 30 November 2022, some indication of ...