assetless companies

Insolvent assetless MSMEs – all but forgotten?

My commentary of October 2020 is re-issued, for readers’ interest.  Does it matter that a company is insolvent such that ...

PJC insolvency inquiry – deregistered companies submission

An early submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee inquiry into corporate insolvency from Mr Russell Morgan, liquidator, of 15 November ...

Fightback! SMEs get a new restructuring tool

The federal Treasurer has announced a new restructuring regime for struggling small to medium enterprises (SMEs)[1] which adopts a ‘debtor-in-possession’ ...

Company deregistration – government’s fast track response to assetless companies

Fast-tracking insolvent assetless companies through a default de-registration process was introduced, in effect, by the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 ...