
UK personal insolvency reforms – summary of responses and next steps

In my comments of July 2023 following, I reviewed the 2022 call for evidence in the UK on reform of ...

Personal insolvency law and policy under the new Labor government in Australia

With the Attorney-General Mr Mark Dreyfus QC in the process of picking up police and other responsibilities from the disbanded ...

Small business insolvency advice via the Ombudsman

The federal government’s current focus on personal insolvency law reform coincides with Small Business Month in NSW and the Small ...

Sole traders and insolvency

A report on the financial business health of Australian small business takes the novel approach of looking at sole traders. ...

Australian small business insolvency law – a review

Several stars aligning at the end of 2020-2021 prompt this review of where Australia is at in the area of ...

Why has the Australian government not yet decided on any further insolvency law changes for small business?

Australia MSE insolvency reform process seems to have halted, perhaps because of a poor reception to its January 2021 small ...

The new Attorney-General and business bankruptcies

As the new Attorney-General, Senator Michaelia Cash[1] will find her portfolio encompasses the current law reform debate about whether and ...

Move bankruptcy from the Attorney-General to Treasury?

In light of the Attorney-General’s need to transfer some matters of his responsibility, a worthy area to transfer is the ...

Where’s personal insolvency nowadays? Australian parliamentary confusion

This rather painful transcript of Senate estimates hearing on 27 October 2020 illustrates many things but in particular how small ...

Moving in together – personal and corporate insolvency law and policy

Mr Christian Porter, as the new federal Attorney-General, might like to consider transferring responsibility for personal insolvency from his law ...