
What do creditors get from ‘successful’ recovery actions by insolvency practitioners?

A Judge has ordered that Trustees in bankruptcy file “evidence that identifies the benefits the creditors of the bankrupt estate ...

Challenge to banktruptcy trustees’ remuneration – continued

A challenge by the Inspector-General in Bankruptcy to trustees’ remuneration in an estate is before Justice Jennifer Davies of the ...

ASIC’s 2017 annual report – what to expect in insolvency regulation

Report 532 ASIC’s regulation of registered liquidators: January to December 2016 is a rather dense and detailed report which explains ...

Is the end result of Sakr Nominees continued “institutionalised time billing”?

While the insolvency profession might be satisfied with the final approval given to the liquidator’s remuneration, by Justice Ashley Black, in Sakr ...

Friendly and ‘friendly’

With the rather confusing term ‘friendly liquidator’ continuing to be used: by the media: Dirty Deeds: Inside Australia’s Biggest Tax ...

The decision in Sakr Nominees – keeping it in proportion

The NSW Court of Appeal has disposed of authority that sought to apply percentage based calculations to liquidators’ remuneration in ...

If there is little money in the winding up, the liquidator will have to cut corners he might not otherwise cut

Insolvency practitioners have the choice to take on a liquidation or a bankruptcy and therefore must accept that there will ...

Umpteen professional bodies regulating insolvency practitioners – overkill? or a spreading of the risk?

The new regulatory regime of insolvency practitioners under the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 provides for co-regulation shared between the regulators – ...

the Sakr Nominees appeal and well beyond …

Whatever is said in the pending NSW Court of Appeal decision in Sakr Nominees, it is timely to propose that, ...

One of the dark arts…..

A court appointed receiver applying to the court for determination of his remuneration was subjected to 2 days cross-examination on ...