Corporations Act redrafting – ch 5?

Some years ago, I suggested to a Treasury officer that Ch 5 of the Corporations Act be redrafted and simplified.  ...

The new Administrative Review Tribunal and law for the relief of insolvent debtors

On 7 December 2023, the government introduced legislation that would abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and establish what it ...

Defining bankruptcy

The Bankruptcy Amendment (Discharge from Bankruptcy) Bill 2023 has been introduced into parliament.  It has presumably been drafted by the ...

Define “insolvency” – legislative drafting continued

In bills before the new 2022 parliament, our legislative drafters have continued with their consistent approach in relying upon 19th ...

Electronic delivery of documents in insolvency law

Some belated concern has been raised about the potential for new corporate insolvency law allowing a winding up demand to ...

Service of insolvency documents by email

With law well into the process of change to accommodate electronic communications and dealings, following COVID-19 in particular, we should ...