
A safe harbour from our harsh insolvency laws?!

The “safe harbour” reform bill has been introduced into federal parliament to address directors’ “medium risk” of liability for insolvent trading.  ...

External dispute resolution and complaints framework, and “debt managers”

Whether or how to regulate “debt management” firms comes up in the government’s decision to accept all 11 recommendations of the ...

Friendly and ‘friendly’

With the rather confusing term ‘friendly liquidator’ continuing to be used: by the media: Dirty Deeds: Inside Australia’s Biggest Tax ...

NZ insolvency reform – gift cards, director identity numbers, voidable transactions, Ponzi schemes, and more

New Zealand does well in its insolvency law reform, partly assisted by not being a federation (no Linc Energy surprises), ...

APES 110 – accountants, whistleblowers and safe harbour advisers to note

Increased professional obligations of accountants, and insolvency practitioners, to refer breaches of the law to the authorities, are being considered at ...

Gift-cards resurrected

The 2016 “gift-card” report of the UK Law Commission examined whether there should be greater protection for consumers who lose ...

Mental health and bankruptcy

The account of the bankruptcy of Sir Garfield Barwick and the personal impact that it had on him is a ...

Law reform – a carve-out from directors’ insolvent trading liability, with a change in their culture in return

The draft ‘safe harbour’ provisions proposed by the government offer directors two advantages in what must be their genuine attempts ...

ASIC’s industry funding model – draft laws

Drafts of ASIC’s Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Bill 2017 and related Bills have been released for comment, by 10 March ...

The Law in the Insolvency “Law” Reform Act 2016

The law has not been given much attention in the recent CLE and professional offerings on the new insolvency laws, with their ...

Egon Kisch and Albert Piddington

The name Egon Kisch may not be familiar to many but a recent talk given at an event held by ...

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 – more unpaid work for liquidators?

ARITA has reported that the ILRA 2016 imposes a significantly broader range of reporting obligations on liquidators than indicated in ...

If there is little money in the winding up, the liquidator will have to cut corners he might not otherwise cut

Insolvency practitioners have the choice to take on a liquidation or a bankruptcy and therefore must accept that there will ...

ASIC before the Senate – no more scalps, goodness will prevail; complaints in the “thousands”; and the ASIC database

Senate questioning of ASIC does provide some useful information at times. In the inquiry into ASIC’s 2015 annual report by ...

Insolvency practitioners’ offence reporting

Although the government is trying to distance any connection between wrongdoing and a company going into liquidation or a person ...

Review of the big banks

The Treasurer has asked the Standing Committee on Economics to inquire into and report on what is termed a Review ...

The Halcyon Isle resurrected – the law applicable to maritime liens

In a case involving “an important issue for the operation of maritime law in this country” a 5 member bench of ...

Liquidators riding a remuneration merry-go-round

The commentaries on how the judges assess, or should assess, the remuneration of liquidators is reaching saturation point, one practitioner likening it ...

Hanjin Shipping – an Australian perspective

The appointment of a receiver to the large South Korean Hanjin Shipping Line has had an impact in Australia, with ...

Insolvency practitioners’ duties of neutrality

Liquidators and administrators, and trustees, when their appointments are challenged, have a duty of neutrality, to provide relevant facts to ...

Another life insurance inquiry – respond by 18 November…..

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services is to report by 30 June 2017 on: the need for ...

Remuneration of liquidators: Idylic Solutions, Templeton revisited – more of the same?

Judges’ inconsistency of approach in determining the remuneration of corporate insolvency practitioners is continuing. The respective state and federal courts ...

Single touch payroll – on its way into law

The Senate Standing Committee on Economics has given a report on the Budget Savings (Omnibus) Bill 2016 and has endorsed the Bill’s ...

Consistency in judicial decisions – Marlborough Gold Mines revisited

A rather unsatisfactory situation is developing in the nation’s federal and state superior courts in their exercise of shared jurisdiction ...