Case and statute law

The Chorley exception – barristers included

This is a postscript to an earlier post about the Chorley exception, a legal rule that although self-represented litigants are ...

Demands by liquidators – trying their luck, or “no ifs, buts or maybes”?

If anyone receives a letter from a liquidator of a company requesting, or demanding, important information, or payment of a ...

The perils of loud letters of demand

A creditor being paid its debt following a letter of demand can be a Pyrrhic victory, if the debtor ends ...

Family law and bankruptcy – ‘creditors should be expected in these times to be aware’…

The Civil Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 is before parliament, one purpose of its many amendments being both ...

ASIC’s annual ‘Dashboard’ report

With the 2018 financial year over, government agencies need to prepare their annual reports, which, commonly, are becoming increasingly opaque. ...

Review of ASIC’s Annual Report 2016-2017 – 22 June 2018

The House Standing Committee on Economics is conducting an inquiry into ASIC’s 2017 annual report, this Friday 22 June, in ...

Registration of a liquidator, on conditions – Mansfield

The AAT has confirmed that a corporate insolvency practitioner’s ‘exposure’ to bankruptcy as being one criterion required to be met ...

Questions of advantage and efficiency in assessing insolvency practitioner independence

In a further indication of the changing views of the judiciary in relation to the need for the independence of ...

The tax stories – history regurgitates

Australia’s new 2017 insolvency laws – described by one respected academic as the worst insolvency reforms he has seen in ...

Access by victims of crime to the perpetrator’s superannuation

Just as moneys in a bankrupt’s superannuation fund can in certain cases be used to pay their creditors, under the ...

Cross-border regulation of insolvency practitioners

The Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 introduced a stronger regulatory regime over insolvency practitioners.  It may not have been noticed ...

A contradictor in Mossgreen for the appeal hearing on 17 April

M: … An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition. … Contradiction is just the ...

Linc Energy’s insolvency, environmental and constitutional issues are off to the High Court

The filing of a High Court special leave application[1] from the decision in Linc Energy[2] concerning the rights of liquidators ...

Judicial digs

The judgments of some judges are worthwhile reading for reasons apart from their legal content. Justice John Logan of the ...

A liquidator’s ‘overbearing approach’ did not pay

A “ham-fisted” response by a liquidator to an application by a director to terminate the liquidation of his company, has ...
Murrays Legal

Liquidators’ knowledge of bankruptcy law?

Do aspiring liquidators working in corporate insolvency practitioners really have an issue with the need to have some ‘exposure’ to ...

A case of ‘just in case’ – Network Ten

The concept of “potential” or “putative” insolvency administrators who have had “recent, long-term, substantial and remunerative involvement” with the company ...

The Law in the Insolvency “Law” Reform Act 2016

The law has not been given much attention in the recent CLE and professional offerings on the new insolvency laws, with their ...