The Banking and Financial Services Law Association is holding its annual conference in Brisbane on 31 August-1 September 2017, in Brisbane.
Its pre-eminent judicial speakers are Lord Justice Richards of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales; Justice Beazley, President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal; and Justice Asher of the New Zealand Court of Appeal.
Senior legal, finance and insolvency practitioners are also speaking.
The conference covers a range of issues including:
- A review of the state of insolvency law reform in Australia and New Zealand
- Regulation of culture, including by way of senior executive liability and whistleblowing
- Judicial view of court decisions in banking, financial services and insolvency
- PPSA, with a panel addressing insolvency and litigation issues in Australia and NZ
- Issues with the Asian distressed bond markets
- Financial ratios in finance documents, serving as early warning systems but under scrutiny from recent inquires in Australia
- Retail insolvencies – recent high-profile collapses and what lies ahead
There are a number of other insolvency related conferences coming up during the remainder of this year.