
Caution against “reasoning backwards” in assessing the validity of liquidators’ litigation

A judge has cautioned against “reasoning backwards” to assume that insolvency practitioners’ failed or injudicious legal proceedings either should not ...

‘Your place or mine, and for how long?’ – a lack of judicial independence

We might have noticed that courts in Australia and indeed in most comparable countries are usually housed in their own ...

Insolvency law’s unfortunate ‘split commencement’

The unfortunate decision of the government to split the commencement date of the ILRA 2016 has created confusion, compounded by ...

Insolvency Practice Rules 2016 released – Corporations and Bankruptcy

The Insolvency Practice Rules (Corporations) 2016 have now been released, without fanfare, and are on the Federal Register of Legislation.  The Insolvency ...

Consolidated version of the new Bankruptcy Act 1966

CCH is publishing a consolidated version of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 as amended by the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016. ...

A silver lining in the insolvency law reform delay

The unfortunate delay in the commencement of the substance of the insolvency law reforms for one year, to 1 September ...

Insolvency reforms further delayed

The Australian government has decided that insolvency practitioners need more time to implement long awaited law reforms aimed at improving practitioners’ ...

Insolvency law reforms – no further delay …

In 2002, an eminent insolvency judge noted a drafting error in Ch 5 of the Corporation Act and recommended in ...