The bankruptcy of Lehman Bros – a mere coincidence

Ten years ago, on 15 September 2008, Professor Rosalind Mason of QUT Brisbane and I gave a paper at the ...

No, not the Royal Commission – long delayed banking reforms

Long delayed banking and financial institution reforms are being addressed in a Bill to enhance APRA’s ‘crisis management’ powers in ...

More (and more) government inquiries

Two important Senate inquiries of 2014 and 2015 that lapsed at the election have been reinstated, but still with long ...

Another life insurance inquiry – respond by 18 November…..

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services is to report by 30 June 2017 on: the need for ...

Gaps and weaknesses in our system of financial regulation

The government is yet to respond to weaknesses in our laws that deal with the financial distress or collapse of ...