Report on the Franchising Code of Conduct – and insolvent franchisors

Further to my comments of September 2023 below as to a review of the franchising code of conduct, that review ...

ACCC’s new penalty guidelines – some queries

The ACCC has issued new penalty guidelines – Guidelines on ACCC approach to penalties in competition and consumer law matters ...

Penalising cartel conduct – BlueScope Steel: $57m penalty, net profit $2.8b

The Federal Court has fined BlueScope Steel $57 million for cartel conduct under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) ...

“Record penalties” imposed … against insolvent companies

While much is made of the “record penalties of $438m” penalties imposed on the Phoenix Institute and related companies for ...

Do old emails ever die?

A respondent car hire company being sued by the ACCC for unconscionable conduct has claimed that what the ACCC alleges ...