Inquiries conferences and reports

Director identity number bill now before parliament

A number of bills broadly concerning the registers of information held by the Commonwealth have been referred to the Senate ...

The future of the insolvency ‘profession’

I was pleased to have given a presentation on the future of the insolvency profession, at Griffith University’s excellent Professional ...

The costs and time in administering justice

Newspaper analyses of the work of judges by reference to numbers of matters heard, words written and time taken can ...

Trends in personal insolvency given to Senate committee

Representatives of the personal insolvency law administrator – AFSA – appeared on 24 January 2019 before the Economics References Committee ...

Does insolvency practice constitute a profession?

Those who specialise in insolvency law and practice, and restructuring, would no doubt consider they act professionally, however that term ...

Inquiry into debt services for those in financial hardship – 22 January hearing

The Senate Standing Committee on Economics inquiring into credit and financial services targeted at people at risk of financial hardship ...

Professional body regulation of Australian insolvency practitioners

Having reviewed the current regulation of insolvency practitioners (IPs) by both ASIC and AFSA, ARITA is now examined, and to ...

Insolvency Practitioners Regulation Act (NZ) 2019?

A New Zealand government committee has recommended the passage of the long awaited Insolvency Practitioners Bill with some few amendments, ...

Bankruptcy trustees’ performance 2017-2018

AFSA’s Personal Insolvency Compliance Report 2017-2018 may be rather welcome in its positive reporting of its findings in relation to ...

More soft law – ARITA’s insolvency practice statements

ARITA has released a number of draft Practice Statements for comment.  These Practice Statements are designed to give ‘technical’ guidance ...

Revised draft of Australia’s 2014 insolvency code of practice

ARITA has released a consultation draft of its Code of Professional Practice for Insolvency Practitioners. This will be the 4th ...

What to do about problem debt advisers?

A late submission received by the Senate Economics Committee inquiry into credit and financial services aimed at those at risk ...

A regulator ‘getting tough’

This broadcast – Getting tough on untrustworthy advisors – in fact comes from the bankruptcy regulator, AFSA, about what it ...

New draft version of APES 330 – Insolvency Services

APESB has issued a long-awaited revision of its insolvency code – APES 330 Insolvency Services – with a view to ...

Liquidators – spending money to justify spending money

Charging a second fee to justify charging an initial fee might seem odd but this can be the case when ...

Liquidators: “… no obligation to conduct any investigations beyond the bare minimum …”

It has been said of liquidators that in no other profession is a highly qualified professional expected to work for ...

Credit and financial services targeting those at risk of financial hardship

The Senate Standing Committees on Economics has recommended that the Financial Services Royal Commission be given an extension of time ...

Overcoming non-financial barriers to justice – Academy of Law debate – 27 Nov Sydney

This is the third and final event in the Academy’s Access to Justice series for 2018, being held on Tuesday ...

‘Criminal Law fit for a continent? I don’t think so’.

The Australian Academy of Law is presenting this session hosted by Curtin University Law School on 8 November 2018 in ...

Academy of Law – access to justice, free speech on campus, science v law

The second public debate held by the Australian Academy of Law in its series on Access to Justice was held ...

Australian Academy of Science and Australian Academy of Law – Joint Symposium

The Australian Academy of Science and Australian Academy of Law are holding what is the first joint symposium between the ...