Bankruptcy and mental incapacity

A son was obliged to ‘forum shop’ in order to assist his debt-laden father go into voluntary bankruptcy.  The father had suffered a stroke leaving him with severe cognitive

Maritime review of the year

The Murrays Legal were pleased to attend the annual presentation at Norton Rose Fulbright on international maritime law developments given on 22 June 2017 by

Rough bankruptcy justice all round …?

Where a person has wrongly been made bankrupt, the court will usually remedy the problem by setting aside or annulling the bankruptcy.  While the inevitable

The AAT strikes back

Mr Dutton, the immigration minister, has been found wanting in refusing an application by a Mr Singh for a 6 week bridging visa, based upon his conviction

A safe harbour from our harsh insolvency laws?!

The “safe harbour” reform bill has been introduced into federal parliament to address directors’ “medium risk” of liability for insolvent trading.  The reform represents a significant

Australia today

“… Nazi troops responded to this secret emigration campaign by inspecting all Danish boats, using specially trained dogs to sniff out hidden Jews. To combat this

“Straw directors”? no kidding!

The federal government is putting through laws that would give directors of companies greater latitude to incur debts that cannot be paid, with a view