What to do about problem debt advisers?

A late submission received by the Senate Economics Committee inquiry into credit and financial services aimed at those at risk of financial hardship – ‘debt

A regulator ‘getting tough’

This broadcast – Getting tough on untrustworthy advisors – in fact comes from the bankruptcy regulator, AFSA, about what it says are ‘untrustworthy [debt] advisers’,

Bankruptcy in Canada in the 1930s

Articles on this website generally attract reduced readership if they are about bankruptcy rather than liquidation; or if they are about overseas law rather than

Debtors’ breathing spaces – UK reforms

This UK government consultation concerns new arrangements proposed for a 60 day ‘breathing space’ for struggling debtors, and for a separate statutory ‘debt repayment plan’.

The elephant in the room of SMEs

It now seems that an old elephant in the room – about the misconduct of banks and financial institutions – has been revealed by the

Law reform obituary – CAMAC 1983-2018

The Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC) was a corporate law reform body comprising individuals eminent in that field.  It was created in 1983 and