UK insolvency practitioners can F…. their Forms

While insolvency practitioners in Australia are anxiously waiting to find out what new forms they must fill in and tick boxes to lodge with the regulators, UK practitioners will soon be able to Forget their Forms altogether. Existing insolvency forms are being withdrawn from 6 April 2017 when the new UK insolvency rules come into force. […]

White collar crime – what’s the point?

The Senate has granted a further extension to the white collar crime committee to report by 23 March 2017.  It was originally going to report by early March 2017. This inquiry started in late 2015 and then lapsed with the general election.  It has now had a further extension on its reporting. As reported in […]

“This does not inspire confidence” – the appointment of special purpose liquidators

Special purpose liquidators (SPLs) are becoming increasingly common. They are often appointed when a creditor prefers another liquidator to investigate certain matters, and when that creditor will only fund that liquidator. Conflicts of the appointed liquidator are another reason to appoint an SPL In this case, while making no adverse findings against the incumbent liquidators, […]