
Michael Murray LLB Dip Crim (Syd) FAAL  m: 0402 248 353 | e:

  • Australian Academy of Law
  • Fellow UNCITRAL Coordination Committee for Australia
  •  Keay’s Insolvency, Murray & Harris, Thomson Reuters
  • Annotated Bankruptcy Act, Nichols & Murray, Lexis Nexis
  • Business Law of Australia, Lexis Nexis
  • Practice & Procedure High Court & Federal Court, Lexis Nexis
  • Insolvency Law Bulletin, Hargovan & Murray, Lexis Nexis
  • Insolvency Law Journal, Thomson Reuters
  • Other contributions for Edward Elgar, Federation Press, INSOL World.


Michael has 30 years experience in Australia as an insolvency and reconstruction lawyer, writer and commentator. He is an observer of current corporate collapses and bankruptcies, and trends, and is closely involved in law reform, government and professional regulation, both in Australia and internationally.

Michael can be contacted about current legal and practice issues, pending law reform, reports and recommendations, and current statute and case law.

Connected with this, Michael has an interest in the wider connections of insolvency in law, economics and finance – employment law, tax, directors’ duties, family law and bankruptcy, comparative international and cross-border insolvency, and in professional conduct, regulation and ethics, and legal education.

This might be in the context of:

  • particular matters or matters of general relevance,
  • education and training,
  • conference topics, content and speakers, and
  • professional writing and editing.

He was formerly:

  • visiting fellow/adjunct professor at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Brisbane;
  • the Legal Director of ARITA, the professional body of insolvency practitioners and lawyers (2007-2016);
  • a lawyer with the Australian Government Solicitor working in insolvency and regulatory law (1989-2007);
  • a solicitor assisting on the HIH Royal Commission (2001-2003); and
  • a member of CAMAC (2001-2014).

Michael is also a member of the Insolvency Academics Network (IAN), and the Banking and Financial Services Law Association (BFSLA).

He is a Fellow and former Director of the Australian Academy of Law and Fellow of the UNCITRAL Coordination Committee Australia (UNCCA).

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