Australia today

“… Nazi troops responded to this secret emigration campaign by inspecting all Danish boats, using specially trained dogs to sniff out hidden Jews. To combat this

“Straw directors”? no kidding!

The federal government is putting through laws that would give directors of companies greater latitude to incur debts that cannot be paid, with a view

Friendly and ‘friendly’

With the rather confusing term ‘friendly liquidator’ continuing to be used: by the media: Dirty Deeds: Inside Australia’s Biggest Tax Scam – ABC News;  reported

Gift-cards resurrected

The 2016 “gift-card” report of the UK Law Commission examined whether there should be greater protection for consumers who lose deposits or gift vouchers when

Freezing orders against alleged phoenixers

The Australian Taxation Commissioner has succeeded in having provisional liquidators appointed to alleged “phoenix” companies associated with a Philip Whiteman. The Commissioner’s case was that the